
New year update

And all of a sudden it hase past christmas and it is a new year. I keep slogging on with new stuff, the lastest is Kroot and after that some Orlocks from Necromunda. As usual follow us att instagram as: theredfac and check out theredfactory at tradera for more or less complete models. For all you bits need, just browse this site!

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Working hard to bring new stuff! + Page overhaul!

Working on some Ork stuff and remember to check my latest additions to the stock. I have been a bit slow to process the latest orders but I will do my best to improve. For stuff like complete figurines check us out on tradera.com As you can see the webpage has been beautified and many things optimized under the hood for you buying pleasure. All kidding aside were we do for an overhaul and I hired a guy from upwork to help me. Can definitely recommend him for your website…

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Changes and more bits!

There are quite a few things changing at the moment here, but most of it is not knowable or visible to you. It will absolutely still be possible to buy all the lovely bits you both know and love and there will be much more incoming! Stay tuned and hope I don’t cramp up in my bits clipping hand. PS. Haven’t been able to get the instagram feed to keep showing up on the site but I am working on it. If you want the handle on insta is theredfac…

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It’s summer 2

As the semester at work soon ends I get more time to put up stuff and I just stared to dig into the pieces of a Daemon Prince and I am considering revisiting Adepta Sororitas which I think you will enjoy. Hope the summer is treating you find and that you make time for outdoorsy stuff too. Happy hobbying!

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It’s summer

I am still plugging away at putting up the lastet batch of stuff aquired. CSM is the name of the game at the moment but I will try to switch it up with Adepta Sororitas during the next week or so. For a selection of bits showcased check out theredfac on instagram. I will be seeing you!

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